Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Our New Baby

Yeah! We finally got our baby!!

She came to us on 13th of July. It was almost love at first sight.

She's dark, or rather black in fact.

She can run really fast if she wants to, though we prefer to control her.

She is quite a noisy baby but we will be doing something about the noise.

She is maintenance -friendly and easy on consumption.

We are now in the midst of shopping accesorries for her. We love to shop for her and dress her up..We take pride in her looks and ensure she is clean and shiny all day..
She is our new pride of joy.
A Black Honda Intergra.

Taking it for granted

We tend to take many things for granted.
Family, friends, health , job etc etc...

Recently, someone close to us discovered she has stage 3 cancer.
It was unexpected. She is young, active and a happy-go-lucky person.
Of course, we are all sure that she will fight it with a brave heart and win it hands down。

And it dawned on me that throughout all this while, I have been complaining of many things in life.
The many mundane and insignificant things in life.

And i have been taking my health for granted all the time, at times abusing my body with unhealthy stuff.

I don't wish to stop only when something bad happens, and i wish you won't too. Let's stop taking it for granted. Treasure whatever you have now because you can lose it anytime.