Emotional control is an art and i have yet to master it.
There are too many things, too many people, too many sticky situations to deal with in life.
That is why holidays are the best. A relaxing holiday to a quiet destination with no cares in the world.
I do not really like dealing with family members and even friends. When things are rosy, all is good. But sometimes, it is hard to be firm on them when you have to say "NO".
I am just bad at it. That is also why I admire those who can do it easily.
I also HATE dealing with obnoxious people. There are people who suck up to you because of that little bit more money that you have, but unfortunately, I am not one of them. Because you have that BIT more amount of money than others, you expect a higher level of service. I do not mind giving better service to deserving people, but do not expect good service with an arrogant and mighty attitude.
You are working with a fellow human being, not a machine. Show respect and humility towards fellow beings and the world will be a better place to live in.
At this juncture, I like to quote a liner from Mitch Albom "Have a little Faith" - "What gains a man if he profits the whole world but loses his soul". - It's really a food for thought book.
(I think it is time for me to read the book again)
Therefore, when I am met with someone of the above two combination, I just go ARGH!
The devil in me tells me to unleash the anger and frustration in me... and every time I want to do so, I will and must think of other more sensible ways to overcome this barrier in me.
I may call my big sis to rant on it and usually, she can give me very good advice. Some people are just more cool-headed and calm, and I am not one of them.
I will also think of this sentence that Greg always say to me, "I can never control what others do or talk, but I can control MYSELF".
Yes, self-control is the crux here. There are so many kinds of people out there and some people are just too irritated to live with. Its a kind of human chemistry but everyone does face it. Whether at the workplace, home, club, social gathering. We cannot control such irritating people, but YES, we can CONTROL OUR own emotions.
Expectations. It all boils down to expectations. The haughty customer expect a certain level of service whereas the service provider expect her clients to be kinder, nicer, more understanding. There must be a meeting point somewhere in between, for if not, emotional outburst will happen.
And I have to repeat to myself something that my sister once said, " ...its my own thinking and perceptions, which are laced with expectations. when all these conditions are not met, feelings of anger and disappointment surface" Therefore, I have to be flexible and tune my thoughts and mind a little and life goes on...happily ever after.
Happily ever after.............