I must say this is the perfect gift for me this season because my old phone has decided to give up on me after 1 year of abuse and mutilation by its crazy owner..
Its been so long since i used a Nokia.. have onced used it but switched to Sony Erricison for its media qualities.
But i know i wont have any regrets using this Nokia.. in fact, it was so hard to get this model now as the shops are running low on stocks. I went to Great World City yesterday and bought the last box in the shop!!
This phone is a true gem. Its not expensive (cost less than $500), looks good and is a great business phone.
Has excellent messaging functions which i totally need it...
Having such a great time smsing pple now...
But now i got to crack my head on HIS xmas present.....
Buy the same model of phone for him so that both of you will have a lovers phone lor. Haha.
sorry but you are??
I;m Minghui...
Oh hahaha! dun have your blog address..
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