Monday, March 9, 2009

Time to wake up!

Yesterday, a dear friend of mine sent me an email..

Its a report written by CLSA. I don't think it can be anything much, amid the gloom and doom of the market..seriously, what else can you expect?

But it was the total opposite.

Apparently, this guy , named Andrew from CLSA wrote about "Acting your way into better thinking".

In essence, the report was about how he rode the stock market in Thailand's boom and bust of the early 90s. He went on to survive the 1997 Asia Financial Crisis. The crux of it all was he suffered some setbacks, but what got him out of depression was VOLUNTEERING.

Seriously, with the terrible market condition, its easy to get depressed. It kinda weighs people down.
But Andrew shared the 10 lessons he learned from surviving all this.

And here, i quote from Stotz, Andrew 2008:

1. Working harder may not bring in additional revenue. People just don't have the money to spend. Not understanding this can produce high stress.

2. The tax payer ultimately pays. In a debt driven crisis, indebted biz and individuals starts default, then goes bust. The govt has to pay depositors of bust banks , if not social system collapses. The govt eventually collects money from tax payers.

3. Money does not bring happiness and the loss of nearly all of an individuals wealth, though extremely painful, is not the end of the world.

4. When you feel depressed, help other people, really get into their situation and help them out. Donating your time is much more powerful (to both giver and receiver) than just giving money.

5. Pain is a partner of growth, the pain and struggles that Andrew faced helped him to be a stronger and better person. The pain also forced him into action to solve his problem and to build a more diversified life.

6. "You can't think your way into better action, you must act your way into better thinking".

Andrew also shared on how to act your way into better thinking. One of the ways which i totally so agree is to pick up new activities and hobbies and to keep one physically active. All these activities help to keep things in perspective and rebuild your positive spirit to live another day and make the world a better place.

I like dancing and running. What about you?

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