Thursday, September 10, 2009

Baby Boomers

From Wikipedia: "Baby Boomer is a term used to describe a person who was born during the demographic Post-World War II baby boom. The term "baby boomer" is sometimes used in a cultural context, and sometimes used to describe someone who was born during the post-WWII baby boom."

I live in a matured estate and hence, there's a good number of elderly residents around me. They are the baby boomers.

During my first year of stay in my new place, I realised that funerals were rather common. The frequency was about once every 2 weeks or so. It then daunt on me that I am staying in a very matured neighbourhood.

Like a coin that has two sides, living around these elderly has its good and of course, bad.

Today while having dinner at the coffeeshop, this elderly uncle (he should be in his 60s) was clearing my plate. He was very friendly and asked me "hao chi ma"? I replied back politely, "hao chi". He then smiled at me. At that moment, I felt really warm and good at his smile. It's a kind of warm and sincere smile that reaches out to your heart.

Then, while in the lift, another auntie in her 50s striked a short conversation with me. When the door opened, she say bye to me. Again, I could feel the same sincerity i felt with the uncle.

As I reached my doorstep, I looked at my neighbour's unit. The auntie and uncle has been helping us to keep our shoes and floor mat everytime there's a block washing.

I think generally; the baby boomers, having lived a life of hardship are more simple and sincere. They are frugal yet rich in hearts. If you look around, the Gen X and Gen Y don't really chat with you in the lift. They do not smile as much and they prefer to live behind closed doors. I am guilty of all of these as well.

Of course, this is just generalisation and personal opinions. :PP

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