This time, it was a much better one. At least, the cake rose high enough to be called a chiffon cake. However, it can be better improved on.
Note to self: colouring, taste and texture to be improved. Hahaha! Now, it seems like the whole cake need to be improved.
With the help of Greg, the egg whites managed to be whisked properly now. I was trying my best to hand whisk at high speed till the whites can turn stiff-peak, but it was clearly difficult with a melon tummy and mouse-like strength. Fortunately, Greg was home and he was really happy to help.
After 15 mins, he looked at me and said, "I think if your baking hobby continues, we can invest in a machine whisk." :P
The best part about home-baking is to wait in high anticipation of the finished (successful) product. As the smell of freshly-baked cakes whiff through the house, the sight of the cake rising well in the hot oven, you can just feel the happiness inside you rising as well.
The finished product. :)

I cut a slice, took a bite and although it was not the best pandan cake tasted, it was heaven to me. Maybe because it was a joint effort by both of us. And frankly speaking, Greg's part on whisking the whites was really important as it determines if I will be eating a pandan cake or a pandan kueh. :)
As I devoured the freshly-baked cake on the 31st Dec, I also started to review year 2010. Indeed, it was a good year and now its time to count my blessings for the last 365 days. The year was smooth-sailing for me and most important of all was to become pregnant in April / May.
2011 will be a life-changing year as real parenting takes place. It will be a challenge but we will do our best.
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