Friday, February 20, 2009

Making a Choice

It's not going to be easy. But i have to think through in my most most clearest state of mind, in my most most matured and objective thinking and weigh out all the pros and cons.

Gosh...there must be a trade-off somewhere. If only i know.....

I seriously hate to make a decision. Maybe i am getting older. The consequences are too much to bear.

Remember when we were young? Time is all we have. I can jolly well make a wrong choice, admit the mistake and move on with it.

But that's like so hard now....I can't seem to fail...and do not want to fail.

But of course, even if i made the wrong choice, i still believe its ok. It may be a test for me..or just fate. Whatever it will be will be...

And i shall survive ...What doesn't kills me just makes me stronger

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