Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Office is the New Jungle

Rumors are hateful.

Rumors are everywhere.

I suppose life is simply too mundane for some busybodies out there that they love to create SOMETHING out of NOTHING at all.
It is almost akin to using the analogy of eating plain porridge everyday. I guess most people would prefer to add some spice and flavours into their food, such as how they love to come up with their own side of the story and "garnish" it with extra details.

The office is like a jungle. We spent one-third of our life in this jungle, working our butts off to create a better life for ourselves and our loved ones. Sometimes, we strive for more to achieve personal goals to add...well, the so-called depth and meaning to the otherwise boring jungle life.

How do you feel when you hear of untrue stories behind own back? And what about those rumors that are really malicious and bad.
How do you handle those people that are talking behind you and yet smiling in front of you?
Feelings of unfairness, anger, exasperation are being felt strongly. Do you confront those gossip mongers and clarify those rumors? If you do, does it help?
For all we know, they are already tired of the same old story and your confrontation will just serves as a new exciting story-line. Of course, when that happens, do not expect them to stick to the plain old truth, for it is .... well, PLAIN.

There is this verse in the Bible that says, "When someone strikes you on one cheek, offer them the other".

I wonder how many of us can really follow such teachings.

I just wish to live in my happy bubble and steer away from horrible evil people. Yucks. PUI.

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