Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A visit to the dentist

Yesterday, I visited the dentist for my yearly check-up.

It was Lee & Ong, much recommended by Bastian. I must say it is really prety good.
Located at the basement of Far East Shopping Centre, the reception area of the spacious clinic has a spa-like feel.

For normal polishing and scaling services, it will be done by the hygenist. Charges are reasonable at $70. For more complex services, you have to get Dr Lee or Dr Ong.

I had my usual cleaning up done by a gentle and polite girl. She is really good. Patient and sweet. I love the squeaky clean feeling!

After the dentist visit, I met up with Audrey for drinks at Emerald Hill. We visited this one called Outdoors. This place stands where the old Papa Joe used to stand.

We took a peep at ICB and Alley Bar... and those memories came flooding back to me.
Its been a while.. 5 years ago.. Dage, Me and Milly..we travel all the way from AMK to ICB for a cold Hoegarden...and the famous ICB pizza and wings. Those days, we were out of branch by 4.30pm and by 5pm, we joined the early crowd for happy hour beer. It was a routine every other day. Sometimes we sit outdoors to enjoy the evening breeze while we drank our beer. At other times, we walked through the wooden staircase and sit at the bar counter on the 2nd floor. Those days, smoking was allowed indoors and I remember the strong smell of cigg smoke on my clothes and hair every night.

Despite everything, we had our usual daily rants and endless gossips. the jokes and fun was incredible. The laughter was magical and the friendship, irreplacable.

But, that was then. 5 years later, we have drifted furthur. The calls became lesser. The smses fewer. I think its time for me to pick up my phone soon. The best part of it is I can still remember their numbers by heart. Phew...

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