One Dose a Day
Random and daily musings of our lives.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Re-born again
Finally found the link to this blog again. I kinda shut down it as time goes by.
I shall make another effort to revive this blog again with jots and posts on our daily lives, weekends, families and of course our cooking experiments!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Oven-baked wings

The husband did this on the 1st day of 2011.
It was finger-licking good. Hot piping wings devoured on a rainy day.
The marination was good. The temperature and texture was perfect. He baked under high heat so that the skin will be slightly crisp and browned, but turned to low heat for last 15 mins so that the meat will be tender and moist inside. The end result is a good-baked wing where the meat tears off easily in a bite. DELICIOUS!
Closing 2010 with a Pandan Chiffon
On the last day of year 2010, I decided to give a 2nd shot at the Pandan Chiffon Cake. The 1st attempt was 1 week back and it turned out to be a Pandan Kueh. I was disappointed, but I knew that chiffon cakes were not easy. Whisking the egg white takes great effort and skills. After some internet searches and self-discovery, I learn that to whisk egg whites successfully (to make the peaks stiff), there can't be a single trace of yolk inside and only use metal or ceramic mixing bowls. Plastic bowls will not allow the whites to foam at all. I was guilty of this 2 taboos during my 1st attempt.
This time, it was a much better one. At least, the cake rose high enough to be called a chiffon cake. However, it can be better improved on.
Note to self: colouring, taste and texture to be improved. Hahaha! Now, it seems like the whole cake need to be improved.
With the help of Greg, the egg whites managed to be whisked properly now. I was trying my best to hand whisk at high speed till the whites can turn stiff-peak, but it was clearly difficult with a melon tummy and mouse-like strength. Fortunately, Greg was home and he was really happy to help.
After 15 mins, he looked at me and said, "I think if your baking hobby continues, we can invest in a machine whisk." :P
The best part about home-baking is to wait in high anticipation of the finished (successful) product. As the smell of freshly-baked cakes whiff through the house, the sight of the cake rising well in the hot oven, you can just feel the happiness inside you rising as well.
The finished product. :)

I cut a slice, took a bite and although it was not the best pandan cake tasted, it was heaven to me. Maybe because it was a joint effort by both of us. And frankly speaking, Greg's part on whisking the whites was really important as it determines if I will be eating a pandan cake or a pandan kueh. :)
As I devoured the freshly-baked cake on the 31st Dec, I also started to review year 2010. Indeed, it was a good year and now its time to count my blessings for the last 365 days. The year was smooth-sailing for me and most important of all was to become pregnant in April / May.
2011 will be a life-changing year as real parenting takes place. It will be a challenge but we will do our best.
This time, it was a much better one. At least, the cake rose high enough to be called a chiffon cake. However, it can be better improved on.
Note to self: colouring, taste and texture to be improved. Hahaha! Now, it seems like the whole cake need to be improved.
With the help of Greg, the egg whites managed to be whisked properly now. I was trying my best to hand whisk at high speed till the whites can turn stiff-peak, but it was clearly difficult with a melon tummy and mouse-like strength. Fortunately, Greg was home and he was really happy to help.
After 15 mins, he looked at me and said, "I think if your baking hobby continues, we can invest in a machine whisk." :P
The best part about home-baking is to wait in high anticipation of the finished (successful) product. As the smell of freshly-baked cakes whiff through the house, the sight of the cake rising well in the hot oven, you can just feel the happiness inside you rising as well.
The finished product. :)

I cut a slice, took a bite and although it was not the best pandan cake tasted, it was heaven to me. Maybe because it was a joint effort by both of us. And frankly speaking, Greg's part on whisking the whites was really important as it determines if I will be eating a pandan cake or a pandan kueh. :)
As I devoured the freshly-baked cake on the 31st Dec, I also started to review year 2010. Indeed, it was a good year and now its time to count my blessings for the last 365 days. The year was smooth-sailing for me and most important of all was to become pregnant in April / May.
2011 will be a life-changing year as real parenting takes place. It will be a challenge but we will do our best.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Banana Walnut Cake
Walnuts are a good source of brain food and I bought one pack recently. Wanted to snack on it as a healthier alternative but I still prefer my chips..Heeheez...
With so much walnuts leftover, I then decided to bake a banana walnut cake. This is my first try at baking after so many many years. My first time baking using the new oven in my place too.
I sourced the internet and youtube for days on making this simple cake.. tempted to try Christmas cookies, cupcakes with Xmas deco, muffins etc...they all looked so nice! I shall try all those one day! (I think the baking bug bite me!)
So on 23rd Dec, I head down to the supermart after work and bought the stuff. Went home and started on the cake! It does taste decent enough, though I prefer it to be a little bit fluffier. Next time, I should set the oven temperature higher too cause the cake did not rise high enough.
After baking the cake, I went on to marinate the wings for the Xmas party at Bernz place on 24th. By 11.30pm, I was so shag from the bustle in the kitchen but looking forward to the Xmas parties the next few days!
Here's the picture of the Banana Walnut Cake.

With so much walnuts leftover, I then decided to bake a banana walnut cake. This is my first try at baking after so many many years. My first time baking using the new oven in my place too.
I sourced the internet and youtube for days on making this simple cake.. tempted to try Christmas cookies, cupcakes with Xmas deco, muffins etc...they all looked so nice! I shall try all those one day! (I think the baking bug bite me!)
So on 23rd Dec, I head down to the supermart after work and bought the stuff. Went home and started on the cake! It does taste decent enough, though I prefer it to be a little bit fluffier. Next time, I should set the oven temperature higher too cause the cake did not rise high enough.
After baking the cake, I went on to marinate the wings for the Xmas party at Bernz place on 24th. By 11.30pm, I was so shag from the bustle in the kitchen but looking forward to the Xmas parties the next few days!
Here's the picture of the Banana Walnut Cake.


Thursday, November 25, 2010
Time REALLY flies. Unknowingly, I am in my 7th month. No, it should not be unknowingly. Because the weight is getting heavier. I can feel the heaviness of the tummy lurking all around me nowadays.
The frequent visits to the toilets are coming back, just like how it was in the 1st trimester.
Getting up from the bed or from the couch also take extra effort now.
At times like this, I wish that Xavier can come out faster, but i know once he is out, there will be a greater set of new problems. I hope these will be happy problems.
My mood swings are also back.
Or maybe it has been here all this while. I hate myself for the frequent and immature outburst of emotions.
To others, it seems like such a small tiny matter, but I myself cannot even handle it. Be it work, personal or family. Everything is spiralling downwards.
I also hate my workplace. There's no privacy. For someone that cannot be a pokerface, I always wear my emotions on my sleeve. And I do not like it that people can see it.
Bad things always come together. This morning, the most hated client called me. After 5 mins of a fusturating coversation, the 2nd line on my office phone ring. and who else can it be but of course, the bane of my life. I really really hate her. I don't know why. It shudders me to think about my next year plans once I finish my maternity leave. I have to see her everyday. If Biggie were to read this, she will be so puzzled. She will tell me its all in my mind. If I choose to 看开一点, peace will be with me. Life will be much better. Afterall, she has been very nice towards me already.
This whole week has been fraught with unhappiness. Even the most anticipated outing at ICB turn out to be a major flop. I was crying for one hour at the back alley of ICB. The drizzle last evening seem to make me feel worse.
I have a bad habit of running away everytime. Happened at ICB last night, happened everytime I quarrel with Greg in public places, even happened once in my in-laws place just before dinner was served.
And it also happen all the time in office. I will slam the phone down loud, take my stuff and go on "flight". This is bad, I know.
Lack of maturity, selfish and childish acts. Firstly, it does not improve the situation. Secondly, I may affect others' with my bad mood behaviour.
Thirdly, it does not reflect well on me. Sometimes I look into the mirror and when I see the cruxifix hanging on my neck, I feel ashamed.
There are so so so many cases where I lose it, only to regret my rash actions after cooling down. I should learn to be like Biggie. calm and composed.
Yesterday, she referred a friend to open an account with me. Her friend was going on and on and on about how mild-tempered and nice person Biggie is.
I agree. If only I have half of her calm and rational qualities.
Everyone has been telling me to be happy cause it affects the baby. A happy and smiling baby is what everyone wants. Who don't want that?
Maybe I should try harder again. Yes, I can and will be happy. Nothing is unsolvable in this world. My problems...NAH! what problems are those?! It is just bad anger management on my part. Learn to calm myself down first everytime I feel the anger coming. Then, talk positvely to the mind. It will help.
I am reaching 30 years old, so please think like an adult. Life has been good to me. Even UBFF says I have got an almost perfect life and should be happy about it. True, I have a complete and loving family. My husband is the best husband in the world. I have a smooth and good pregnancy so far.
Everything is good at work and I have great colleagues. I have very nice and caring friends, who are always there to take my nonsense. Am I taking all this for granted?
3 more months and the baby will be out. Maybe its the impending pressure. Maybe its the stress of seeing everything unsettled.
Or maybe, why not; its just me?
I need to learn fast. Because there will be much much more stress once the baby is out. I can't imagine.....
Yesterday, I returned a half-read book. "The girl who has the dragon tattoo". It got too violent and was quite RA as well. I reckon that it won't do a pregnant woman any good reading such contents. I switched it to "Eat, pray, love". Think I will like the latter much more.
I like a good read. It transports me to another world, away from the harsh reality of life for that moment.
The frequent visits to the toilets are coming back, just like how it was in the 1st trimester.
Getting up from the bed or from the couch also take extra effort now.
At times like this, I wish that Xavier can come out faster, but i know once he is out, there will be a greater set of new problems. I hope these will be happy problems.
My mood swings are also back.
Or maybe it has been here all this while. I hate myself for the frequent and immature outburst of emotions.
To others, it seems like such a small tiny matter, but I myself cannot even handle it. Be it work, personal or family. Everything is spiralling downwards.
I also hate my workplace. There's no privacy. For someone that cannot be a pokerface, I always wear my emotions on my sleeve. And I do not like it that people can see it.
Bad things always come together. This morning, the most hated client called me. After 5 mins of a fusturating coversation, the 2nd line on my office phone ring. and who else can it be but of course, the bane of my life. I really really hate her. I don't know why. It shudders me to think about my next year plans once I finish my maternity leave. I have to see her everyday. If Biggie were to read this, she will be so puzzled. She will tell me its all in my mind. If I choose to 看开一点, peace will be with me. Life will be much better. Afterall, she has been very nice towards me already.
This whole week has been fraught with unhappiness. Even the most anticipated outing at ICB turn out to be a major flop. I was crying for one hour at the back alley of ICB. The drizzle last evening seem to make me feel worse.
I have a bad habit of running away everytime. Happened at ICB last night, happened everytime I quarrel with Greg in public places, even happened once in my in-laws place just before dinner was served.
And it also happen all the time in office. I will slam the phone down loud, take my stuff and go on "flight". This is bad, I know.
Lack of maturity, selfish and childish acts. Firstly, it does not improve the situation. Secondly, I may affect others' with my bad mood behaviour.
Thirdly, it does not reflect well on me. Sometimes I look into the mirror and when I see the cruxifix hanging on my neck, I feel ashamed.
There are so so so many cases where I lose it, only to regret my rash actions after cooling down. I should learn to be like Biggie. calm and composed.
Yesterday, she referred a friend to open an account with me. Her friend was going on and on and on about how mild-tempered and nice person Biggie is.
I agree. If only I have half of her calm and rational qualities.
Everyone has been telling me to be happy cause it affects the baby. A happy and smiling baby is what everyone wants. Who don't want that?
Maybe I should try harder again. Yes, I can and will be happy. Nothing is unsolvable in this world. My problems...NAH! what problems are those?! It is just bad anger management on my part. Learn to calm myself down first everytime I feel the anger coming. Then, talk positvely to the mind. It will help.
I am reaching 30 years old, so please think like an adult. Life has been good to me. Even UBFF says I have got an almost perfect life and should be happy about it. True, I have a complete and loving family. My husband is the best husband in the world. I have a smooth and good pregnancy so far.
Everything is good at work and I have great colleagues. I have very nice and caring friends, who are always there to take my nonsense. Am I taking all this for granted?
3 more months and the baby will be out. Maybe its the impending pressure. Maybe its the stress of seeing everything unsettled.
Or maybe, why not; its just me?
I need to learn fast. Because there will be much much more stress once the baby is out. I can't imagine.....
Yesterday, I returned a half-read book. "The girl who has the dragon tattoo". It got too violent and was quite RA as well. I reckon that it won't do a pregnant woman any good reading such contents. I switched it to "Eat, pray, love". Think I will like the latter much more.
I like a good read. It transports me to another world, away from the harsh reality of life for that moment.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Emotional control is an art and i have yet to master it.
There are too many things, too many people, too many sticky situations to deal with in life.
That is why holidays are the best. A relaxing holiday to a quiet destination with no cares in the world.
I do not really like dealing with family members and even friends. When things are rosy, all is good. But sometimes, it is hard to be firm on them when you have to say "NO".
I am just bad at it. That is also why I admire those who can do it easily.
I also HATE dealing with obnoxious people. There are people who suck up to you because of that little bit more money that you have, but unfortunately, I am not one of them. Because you have that BIT more amount of money than others, you expect a higher level of service. I do not mind giving better service to deserving people, but do not expect good service with an arrogant and mighty attitude.
You are working with a fellow human being, not a machine. Show respect and humility towards fellow beings and the world will be a better place to live in.
At this juncture, I like to quote a liner from Mitch Albom "Have a little Faith" - "What gains a man if he profits the whole world but loses his soul". - It's really a food for thought book.
(I think it is time for me to read the book again)
Therefore, when I am met with someone of the above two combination, I just go ARGH!
The devil in me tells me to unleash the anger and frustration in me... and every time I want to do so, I will and must think of other more sensible ways to overcome this barrier in me.
I may call my big sis to rant on it and usually, she can give me very good advice. Some people are just more cool-headed and calm, and I am not one of them.
I will also think of this sentence that Greg always say to me, "I can never control what others do or talk, but I can control MYSELF".
Yes, self-control is the crux here. There are so many kinds of people out there and some people are just too irritated to live with. Its a kind of human chemistry but everyone does face it. Whether at the workplace, home, club, social gathering. We cannot control such irritating people, but YES, we can CONTROL OUR own emotions.
Expectations. It all boils down to expectations. The haughty customer expect a certain level of service whereas the service provider expect her clients to be kinder, nicer, more understanding. There must be a meeting point somewhere in between, for if not, emotional outburst will happen.
And I have to repeat to myself something that my sister once said, " ...its my own thinking and perceptions, which are laced with expectations. when all these conditions are not met, feelings of anger and disappointment surface" Therefore, I have to be flexible and tune my thoughts and mind a little and life goes on...happily ever after.
Happily ever after.............
There are too many things, too many people, too many sticky situations to deal with in life.
That is why holidays are the best. A relaxing holiday to a quiet destination with no cares in the world.
I do not really like dealing with family members and even friends. When things are rosy, all is good. But sometimes, it is hard to be firm on them when you have to say "NO".
I am just bad at it. That is also why I admire those who can do it easily.
I also HATE dealing with obnoxious people. There are people who suck up to you because of that little bit more money that you have, but unfortunately, I am not one of them. Because you have that BIT more amount of money than others, you expect a higher level of service. I do not mind giving better service to deserving people, but do not expect good service with an arrogant and mighty attitude.
You are working with a fellow human being, not a machine. Show respect and humility towards fellow beings and the world will be a better place to live in.
At this juncture, I like to quote a liner from Mitch Albom "Have a little Faith" - "What gains a man if he profits the whole world but loses his soul". - It's really a food for thought book.
(I think it is time for me to read the book again)
Therefore, when I am met with someone of the above two combination, I just go ARGH!
The devil in me tells me to unleash the anger and frustration in me... and every time I want to do so, I will and must think of other more sensible ways to overcome this barrier in me.
I may call my big sis to rant on it and usually, she can give me very good advice. Some people are just more cool-headed and calm, and I am not one of them.
I will also think of this sentence that Greg always say to me, "I can never control what others do or talk, but I can control MYSELF".
Yes, self-control is the crux here. There are so many kinds of people out there and some people are just too irritated to live with. Its a kind of human chemistry but everyone does face it. Whether at the workplace, home, club, social gathering. We cannot control such irritating people, but YES, we can CONTROL OUR own emotions.
Expectations. It all boils down to expectations. The haughty customer expect a certain level of service whereas the service provider expect her clients to be kinder, nicer, more understanding. There must be a meeting point somewhere in between, for if not, emotional outburst will happen.
And I have to repeat to myself something that my sister once said, " ...its my own thinking and perceptions, which are laced with expectations. when all these conditions are not met, feelings of anger and disappointment surface" Therefore, I have to be flexible and tune my thoughts and mind a little and life goes on...happily ever after.
Happily ever after.............
Monday, September 20, 2010
Departure Gates
Everytime I travel, it's always a nice feeling to walk through the departure gates of any airport.
At Changi Airport, the feeling is usually good because I am a step nearer to my holiday destination. Furthurmore, the carpeted floor at the immigration, the big brand names of tax-free shopping is so welcoming.
At overseas' airports, the feeling is also good because I am heading back Home Sweet Home. No matter how much fun I had during the holiday, nothing beats HOME.
However, I have come to realise that there are moments of saddness at departure gates too. I have never experienced it until someone close chose to walk through that gate. Once you witness the "crossing over" to the other side, everything seems really far. We were just seperated by a glass wall, but it is a true real case of "So near, yet so far".
Of course, on the lighter side, there will be goodness coming out of this temporary seperation and hope that everything will work out smooth and good for her.
Luckily, we have the Internet now and contact is seamless with the likes of Facebook, MSN, Skype etc.
And I think that we are considered very lucky in Singapore as our departure gates are pretty much "happy-looking". Not just plain old walls or metal gates with glass panels. That will be really sad.
Anyway, life goes on as usual and I can't help but think of a song at this point in time.
Dedicated to my little sister:
At Changi Airport, the feeling is usually good because I am a step nearer to my holiday destination. Furthurmore, the carpeted floor at the immigration, the big brand names of tax-free shopping is so welcoming.
At overseas' airports, the feeling is also good because I am heading back Home Sweet Home. No matter how much fun I had during the holiday, nothing beats HOME.
However, I have come to realise that there are moments of saddness at departure gates too. I have never experienced it until someone close chose to walk through that gate. Once you witness the "crossing over" to the other side, everything seems really far. We were just seperated by a glass wall, but it is a true real case of "So near, yet so far".
Of course, on the lighter side, there will be goodness coming out of this temporary seperation and hope that everything will work out smooth and good for her.
Luckily, we have the Internet now and contact is seamless with the likes of Facebook, MSN, Skype etc.
And I think that we are considered very lucky in Singapore as our departure gates are pretty much "happy-looking". Not just plain old walls or metal gates with glass panels. That will be really sad.
Anyway, life goes on as usual and I can't help but think of a song at this point in time.
Dedicated to my little sister:
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